Venus Legacy - Boston South Shore

Venus Legacy

Venus LegacyVenus Legacy™ provides non-surgical face and body sculpting and skin tightening treatments that can effectively smooth out cellulite, improve the appearance of sagging skin, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Venus Legacy uses radio frequency (RF) technology — combining multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electro magnetic fields to deliver heat beneath the skin's surface — to increase collagen and elastin fibers while shrinking the volume of fat cells.

Venus Legacy is:

  • safe and effective for all skin tones
  • comfortable and relaxing
  • fast with no downtime after treatments.

Body sculpting and skin tightening

Venus Legacy Body Sculpting targets

Venus Legacy targets many areas of concern as we age. Treatments can:

  • reduce volume and tighten skin for a more contoured arm
  • contour and tighten the abdomen for a flatter, more defined stomach
  • reduce cellulite, contour and lift the buttock for better shape
  • reduce fluid around the eyes for a refreshed look
  • reduce volume and tighten skin for a smoother jawline
  • contour stubborn fat pockets to reduce bra bulge
  • reduce circumference and smooth cellulite for a tighter, smoother leg

Venus Legacy — How it works

Venus Legacy's unique skin tightening platform adds an adjustable pulsed suction (called VariPulse™) that gently pulls the skin upward, allowing the heat energy to travel deeper and provide a more comfortable and effective treatment. A series of treatments can result in a slimmer more sculpted body and cellulite that almost disappears.

This video illustrates Venus Legacy's unique approach to non-invasive body sculpting.

Is Venus Legacy for me?

The best candidate for this treatment is someone who has pockets of cellulite and/or excess body fat that have not responded to diet and exercise alone, and who doesn't want surgery. Those who are starting to lose elasticity in their skin and are showing early signs of sagging and wrinkles, are also good candidates for this treatment. There are some conditions that may not make this an appropritate treatment for everyone, so you will need to consult with us first.

Most patients receive six to eight skin-tightening procedures per area, althought each individual person's course of treatment and results will vary. Each treatment session lasts 15-30 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

Treatments are very comfortable. The applicator warms slowly until your skin reaches the target temperature and stays within that temperature range. Also, the temperature can be adjusted to your own comfort level. When using the VariPulse™ feature, you will also feel a gentle suction on your skin, like a very low-power vacuum, as the applicator moves around the area. This can also be adjusted if needed.

Interested? Contact the Skin Spa for more information.

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